An Oddity in Fiji

As an example of how tracks might help with planning, here is a little oddity from Fiji:
(If you click on a chart to enlarge it, you can return by clicking the .[X] . - top right of the picture gallery)

 The chart above suggests a harbour more or less where we expected to find it, but we were approaching from the southeast in heavy rain and a fresh breeze.  Visibility was poor.

There were said to be leading marks...............

 But where ???

If we'd had a copy of s/y Vagabond Heart's tracks when we were planning this approach they would have looked like this:

Which would have given pause for thought...............

And Google Earth gives this view of the area (on a much calmer day and near low water):

Now if we'd had Vagabond Heart's tracks available on Google Earth as well as on the chart this is how it would have looked ...................


So it does seem as if the small  harbour is in its charted position but it is not the marina that we had been hoping to enter.
Vagabond Heart's tracks go exactly along a new channel cut through the coral.
 And that, of course, is where the leading marks actually are.
  Easy.     Afterwards.

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